1. Keeping shoulders flat, gently pull knee to floor.
When stret his felt, hold. 2. From position shown, pull the knee and nkle to
the chest until stretch is felt and hold.
3. From position shown, gently reach toward floor
until stretch is felt and hold
1. With the back against a wall and hands on the
knees, assume position shown. Gently push the knees to the floor until a
stretch s felt, and hold.
2. Assume position shown by placing the bottoms of the
feet together and pulling the heels toward the groin until a stretch s felt,
and hold. For increased flexibility pull the upper body forward until a stretch
is felt, and hold.
3. Assume the position shown. Slowly slide the right
foot back and move the upper body down and forward. When a stretches felt,
4. Assume the position shown. Raise the toes of the
right leg and slowly slide the leg away from the body. The body will move down
closer to the floor as the leg is moved away from the body. When a stretch is
felt, hold. Repeat with the other leg.
By Dr Anaam