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The Side Effect Of Eating Badly Junk Food

Of course you know that foods loaded with fat and sugar aren’t great for your weight. But a new Australian study published in the scientific journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity suggests another reason to skip out on junk: It may mess with your memory.

Full disclosure, the study was done on rats – so at this point, we can’t be sure the results apply to humans. But the findings are definitely worth taking into account. For the study, researchers gave rats either a healthy diet along with an unlimited amount of sugar water; a diet consisting of unlimited biscuits and cakes; or a totally healthy diet. After one week, only the rats in the junk food group had gained weight, but both the sugar-water group and the junk-food group showed signs of memory impairment (the healthy group didn’t gain weight or have any memory lapses).

Why? The researchers found that in both the sugar-water and the junk-food groups, the high amount of sugar had caused the hippocampus, which is the brain’s memory center, to become inflamed – meaning it couldn’t work to capacity. And interestingly, after the rats returned to a healthy diet, the inflammation still lasted for an additional three weeks.
Point is, it’s not just weight gain; junk food is called that for a reason – it’s just no good. Ever. Not only does it make you gain weight, but it may even mess with your memory. So don’t let it!