The latest book by Patrick Holford - The Ten Secrets of 100% healthy people - is the culmination of three years of research and subsequent understanding of eating habits and physical lifestyle and psychologically healthy people.
We asked Patrick to break the top 10 secrets for us ...
Health Secret 1: improve your digestion
100 % Health Survey Results: Only 14 percent of people have a good digestive health. Eighty-one percent of people under one bowel movement per day.
If you bloated after eating, you are probably eating something you are allergic to (wheat and milk are the most common culprits ) or not digested properly . Get tested for these allergies .
Health Secret 2 : balance the blood sugar
100 % Health Survey Results: Eighty percent of people say they often have low energy. Forty-two percent of people wake up tired.
The key to maintaining a high level of energy, and weight loss and control sugar cravings is to eat a diet low glycemic load ( GL) . This means eating oatmeal instead of cornflakes , berries and plums and raisins instead of bananas and always eat protein with carbohydrates. Examples would be an apple with pumpkin seeds, or a piece of fish with brown rice .
Health Secret3: Take more vitamins B
100 % Health Survey Results : Eighty-two percent of people are rapidly becoming impatient. Sixty -four percent easily become anxious or tense . Thirty-two percent have a bad memory.
His ability to remain strong, with good humor and a minimal risk of the disease depends on sufficient B vitamins, essential for a process called methylation. If you are good in this area of your homocysteine level in the blood is less than 6. That's how you know you're getting enough B vitamins . In any case, it is preferable to complete a high-potency multivitamin such as Optimum Nutrition Formula Bioharmony containing at least 200 mcg of folic acid, 10 mcg vitamin B12 and 20 mg of B6 - and eat lots of green vegetables and beans which are the best sources of folic acid and vitamin B6.
Health Secret 4 : Increase anti-aging antioxidants
100 % Health Survey Results: People who eat less antioxidant rich fruits , vegetables , oily fish , nuts and seeds, have the lowest overall health to halve your chances of being in a optimal health. People who eat at least five pieces of fruit a day, two times more likely to have problems than those who do not eat fruit health.
Mount antioxidants makes a huge difference in how you feel and look young . But not all fruits and vegetables are equal. Cherries, berries , oregano , cinnamon , turmeric, mustard and chocolate are the 10 top foods rich in antioxidants. Walnuts , pecans , pistachios , broccoli , avocado and asparagus are good too. So it is a good quality red wine . Good news !
Health Secret 5: Eat essential fatty acids
100 % Health Survey Results: People who eat oily fish three or more times per week , or nuts or seeds three times a day are 60 percent more likely to have health problems than those who did not . While 56 percent of people have dry skin .
The essential oily fish and seeds fatty acids keep you in mind and well oiled body , reducing the risk of heart disease, halving joint pain , improving mood and banish skin dry . Three servings of fatty fish per week (wild salmon, mackerel, king fish , or sardines) , flax or pumpkin seeds each day and, ideally , an additional essential fat needed .
Health secret 6: stay hydrated
100 % from the Health Results: drink eight glasses of water a day are twice as likely to be in optimal health than those who do not drink water . Eighty percent of respondents have less than one bowel movement per day. Also 48 percent of people often have a headache or migraine.
Water is the most important nutrient , and we all have the equivalent of eight glasses of water a day, including that used in hot drinks. You need more in hot weather or exercise. How do you know if you drink enough? Watch your urine. It should be light in color . Not drinking enough is one of the main causes of constipation and headaches .
Health Secret 7: stay fit, strong and flexible
100 % Health Survey Results : Fifty -four percent of those with an index of exercise optimal cardiovascular health for three or more hours a week , compared to one percent of those with poor heart health . In addition 92 % of scorers Health considered moderately fit.
Exercise is essential for good health and we all have the equivalent of 15 minutes of exercise per day , or at least 30 minutes every day . Do something that keeps you fit , strong and flexible. For example , yoga and running or cycling. Swimming is the best activity around.
Health Secret 8: produce vital energy
100 % Health Survey Results : Fifty percent of health scorers do some kind of exercise of vital energy generation such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong , meditation or Psychocalisthenics .
All we have to regenerate our energy and exercise such as yoga and Tai Chi are designed to do just that. Is time in nature and meditation. To be 100 % healthy , you have to build in this type of activity into your daily life.
Health Secret 9: Get the past out of its current
100 % from the Health Results: Among the top scorers health 85 percent think that the mentality is very important , 95 percent thought relations are very important, and 100 percent think that having a positive attitude it is important for health.
Carrying emotional baggage is a major drain on health , energy and spontaneity. There are specific techniques explained in the book of Patrick , identification and release negative emotions and negative patterns that are used to sabotage our relationships are learned. These skills are not taught in school, but are essential for a healthy and happy life.
Health Secret 10: Find Your Purpose
100 % Health Survey Results: Most health indicators higher (96 %) have a clear sense of purpose or direction in life, while 81 percent are considered spiritual .
If you do not have a meaning in your life , ask yourself what you like to do or what makes you feel good? What are you good at ? And what is needed in today's world , in your community or family? Having a sense of purpose and a connection to the spirit are two qualities that give us the broader context in which we live our lives with meaning, purpose and " connection " with others , our family, community or environment.
Eat when you are physically hungry . Listen to your body's signals . Before eating, stop and ask yourself if you really hungry or eat for reasons such as stress , boredom, custom or otherwise. Keeping a food diary is a great way to help determine your eating habits.
Eat and drink slowly and give yourself the opportunity to feel satisfied without feeling too full. It helps also try the food that you eat and enjoy.
Eat smaller portion . Eat three small meals with a couple of healthy snacks between better way to stay full longer and keep your metabolism running efficiently . Avoid skipping meals , if possible , as this can lead to overeating later.
Eating healthy food is your choice. Try to remember how good it feels after eating healthy against the terrible feeling of overeating unhealthy foods. The 80/20 is worth noting (diet 80 % of the time and leave the other 20 % for those times when you have to do !) . Having a positive attitude towards food . Instead of thinking that "good or bad" think in terms of " daily or occasional food" or "80/20 food . " This will clear the fault that food has on certain things.
Listen to your body desires. If you want something sweet, eat something sweet, simply opt for a healthier alternative , or a very small portion of what you want . Please do not deprive yourself as this can lead to overeating later.
Learn what some of the triggers are not healthy (eating diary helps here). Once you know what your triggers , a list of things to do when you feel like are deputies .
Do not multitask while eating. If you read , work or watch TV while eating , not paying attention to what goes in your mouth and you will not enjoy. Chew slowly and enjoy every bite.
Tell yourself and everyone that you are a healthy diet , not diet . You'd be surprised what the word diet actually makes your mind!
Keep your refrigerator and pantry full of healthy food and healthier options that meet their needs. Place baskets of fruits and vegetables on hand.
Never starve yourself , especially before eating out (or you will eat anything in sight) .