For low risk drinking the weekly limits
are Up to 11 standard drinks a week for women (112 grams of pure alcohol)•Up to
17 standard drinks a week for men (168 grams of pure alcohol)Alcohol is high in
calories but does not provide any nourishment.
One standard drink contains
about 100-150 calories. Drinking more than the weekly limit can increase your
weight and your blood pressure, putting you at risk of heart disease and
stroke. It can damage your liver and can increase your chances of getting
cancer, including breast cancer. Stick to recommended upper limits and spread
drinks out over the week. Do not take more than 5 standard drinks in one
sitting and have 3 alcohol free days during the week
A man who drinks up to 17 drinks per week, consumes
more than 1700 extra calories each week. This can lead to weight gain of about
1.5 stone in 1 year. A woman who drinks up to 11 drinks per week can gain about
1 stone in a year
By Dr