1. Change your mind!
What you see in the mirror begins as decisions you make, right in your own mind. Just as you chose to eat chips and packaged foods that wouldn’t keep a rat alive, you must choose to be healthy, for that is the foundation of all lasting changes in body shape! In order for any or all of the following methods for changing your body shape to work, you have to decide to do it correctly and then do it!
2.Drink plenty of water!
To keep your biochemistry working correctly, your systems of detoxification working optimally, and the rest of your body’s cells to be healthy, you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily; a 200 pound person needs to drink 100oz. of water per day; for metric conversion, multiply your weight (in Kg’s) by .033. For example, a 100 Kg person (100 x .033) will need to drink 3.3 liters of water daily. I recommend drinking water with a total dissolved solids of > 300 parts per million, which can usually be found on the bottle’s label. Coffee, beer, store bought juices, tea, milk or soda do not count toward your daily water requirements.In fact, anything with alcohol or coffee actually has a dehydrating effect, displacing much needed water. Most people notice a rapid improvement in energy levels when drinking adequate amounts of water Another important point is to avoid drinking cold water, particularly if you are exercising. While some experts say that cold water enters the body faster, I beg to differ. Cold water sits in your stomach until it is heated to body temperature, and only then can it be released into the small intestine for absorption. While exercising, the last thing you want to divert energy to is heating water! You also don’t want your fluid hungry muscles losing performance or cramping because they are dehydrating as you exercise. To prove that room temperature water enters your muscles faster than cold water is easy to do; next time you got to the gym, drink a liter bottle of water from their refrigerator and at the end of your workout, vigorously shake your torso back left and right and you will surely hear your water sloshing around in there. Next time,
bring a liter of water with you and try to keep it as close to body temperature as possible until you begin your workout (room temperature is fine if it’s at least 70° F.) and drink it as you train. When you complete your workout, do the shake test and you will see that there is noticeably less, or no sloshing at all…the water has entered your muscles where it belongs!
3. Eat organic food!
bring a liter of water with you and try to keep it as close to body temperature as possible until you begin your workout (room temperature is fine if it’s at least 70° F.) and drink it as you train. When you complete your workout, do the shake test and you will see that there is noticeably less, or no sloshing at all…the water has entered your muscles where it belongs!
3. Eat organic food!
Did you know that you replace an average of 2,000,000 red blood cells every second! The question is, what are you making them out of? Your body’s cells are constantly regenerating
4. Eat food for your unique biochemistry!
4. Eat food for your unique biochemistry!
As Weston A. Price showed in his investigation of native societies those natives eating their native diets were healthy, diseaseresistant and had beautiful bodies. The key point being that they were eating their native diets! As soon as native populations began deviating from their native diets, their health began to deteriorate and they commonly became fat! Today, due to all the race mixing we’ve done, it is very hard to determine our native diet. The best thing you can do is take the test in my book
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!
and follow the instructions for how to proportion your animal/fish foods (proteins & fats) relative to carbohydrates. If you know your blood lines, simply eat the way your relatives did 150 years ago and within as little as two weeks, you will see your body begin to look the way it should according to your natural body plan! With your improved energy levels, you will find your exercise program much easier to get through. You will also find that your body responds to exercise much faster!
5. Chew your food!
and follow the instructions for how to proportion your animal/fish foods (proteins & fats) relative to carbohydrates. If you know your blood lines, simply eat the way your relatives did 150 years ago and within as little as two weeks, you will see your body begin to look the way it should according to your natural body plan! With your improved energy levels, you will find your exercise program much easier to get through. You will also find that your body responds to exercise much faster!
5. Chew your food!
Sounds simple and fairly obvious right? Not chewing your food until it is liquified is one of the most common causes of poor digestion. Eating foods quickly, results in large chunks of food entering your stomach, making it very hard for the stomach to break the foods down before entering the
small intestine for absorption. Since parasites commonly enter your body in food, if your body is even slightly diminished in hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) production and you eat too fast, large chunks of food make it to your small intestine. This allows parasites to lay eggs and/or enter your blood stream and swim around your body, finding their favorite organ or tissue to nest in. Once there, they begin feasting on your food supply and defecating in you, which toxifies your body. Since poor digestion and absorption from not chewing your foods adequately rob
6.Build good digestion!
You could be eating the best food on the planet, yet if your digestive system isn’t working properly, you won’t absorb, assimilate, metabolize and eliminate food molecules correctly. The result is that the worse your digestion, the more malnourished you become. Your body’s reaction is either that you lose weight and become skinny, or you gain weight because your body stores fat as a reaction to what appears to be a diet at the cellular level. To improve digestion, try these tips: Drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before each meal. Chew your food until it is liquified (see above!)Never eatwhile stressed! Don’t watch the news, have stressful conversations or read stressful information while eating. Even listening to chaotic music while eating can disrupt digestion. Don’t eat in a hurry either! Don’t mix fruits or starchy foods such as potatoes, rice or beans with meats. These foods require antagonistic chemical reactions for proper digestion and if your digestive powers are weak, combining them often leads to indigestion, gas, fatigue, ill health and unfavorable body shape! You are best to
start your meal with as many raw above ground green vegetables as you can tolerate and follow them with your choice of meat or fish. Drink only enough to wash your food down while eating. Drinking more can dilute hydrochloric acid concentration in the stomach and weaken digestion.
7.Manage your stressors!
As the old saying goes, don’t sweat the small stuff! Today, many people have become so accustomed to being rushed, financially strapped, and maintaining destructive relationships, it becomes habitual for them. They often recreate problems when things are going too smoothly If your body shape isn’t what you want it to be, it is very important to realize that being over weight or under weight alone are stressors on the body and are indicative of a stressor the body can’t effectively handle. Therefore, avoid stressors you don’t need. Look at your relationships, look at your bills, look at your time commitments and commit yourself to eliminating anything that is not improving the quality of your life! Just doing this can take a real weight off your back!
My wife and I marvel at the fact, as we travel around the world teaching seminars and workshops, we have everything we need in our two suit cases. Yet, most of my patients are suffering unnecessary stress, working themselves into the ground to pay for jewelry, clothes, cars and homes 5 that are adding no significant quality to their lives. In fact, if you ask most people when they are the happiest, they will tell you, “when I’m on vacation”…when they are living out of two suitcases and take a couple weeks to forget about all the financial stress created by unnecessary material possession. The reason many people are too tired to exercise is
because they are carrying houses and cars they don’t need around on their back!
8.Go to bed on time!
My wife and I marvel at the fact, as we travel around the world teaching seminars and workshops, we have everything we need in our two suit cases. Yet, most of my patients are suffering unnecessary stress, working themselves into the ground to pay for jewelry, clothes, cars and homes 5 that are adding no significant quality to their lives. In fact, if you ask most people when they are the happiest, they will tell you, “when I’m on vacation”…when they are living out of two suitcases and take a couple weeks to forget about all the financial stress created by unnecessary material possession. The reason many people are too tired to exercise is
because they are carrying houses and cars they don’t need around on their back!
8.Go to bed on time!
The human body is designed to rise and fall with the sun. I can assure you, if you stay up past 10:30 at night with any regularity, you are destined to have imbalances between your stress hormones (they will be high) and your growth and repair hormones (they will be low!). Having an unfavorable body shape and a poor response to exercise is one of the most common reactions to repeated circadian (24 hour) stress and disrupted sleep/wake cycles. For a simple, yet well illustrated lesson on how to manage circadian stressors and many practical tips that will improve your sleep patterns and energy levels, read chapter 12, “Are You Getting To Bed On Time” in my book How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!
9.Work hard, rest hard!
Many people ,beat themselves to death in the gym, forgetting that the body only gets stronger at rest. If you can’t improve your performance in the gym by at least 13% every time you walk into the gym, you don’t belong there! To have a great body means you be equally disciplined about resting as you are about exercising .Just remember that exercising is a breakdown stimulus and breakdown + breakdown = BREAKDOWN! If you want to learn more about designing your own highly effective workouts, read chapter 10 “Putting It All Together” in my book How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!
10 . Have goals!
As the old saying goes, if you
don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there!
Today, it takes discipline not to eat all the garbage being stuffed in your face by the media celebrities and even people around you that don’t know any better. If you set good, realistic
and achievable short, midrange and long term goals, you will always have something to focus on and are far more likely to achieve the body shape you want. Onceyou set your goals, either tell people that can provide positive, en couraging support, or tell people that will really make you miserable if you don’t achieve them (negative support), which ever is more motivating to you. By thinking out your goals and writing them down, you have made a major commitment toward achieving them and are far more likely to follow your plan that if you just wish you looked better than you do!
Today, it takes discipline not to eat all the garbage being stuffed in your face by the media celebrities and even people around you that don’t know any better. If you set good, realistic
and achievable short, midrange and long term goals, you will always have something to focus on and are far more likely to achieve the body shape you want. Onceyou set your goals, either tell people that can provide positive, en couraging support, or tell people that will really make you miserable if you don’t achieve them (negative support), which ever is more motivating to you. By thinking out your goals and writing them down, you have made a major commitment toward achieving them and are far more likely to follow your plan that if you just wish you looked better than you do!
By Dr Anaam