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Do you think that these are the best solutions ?



1. Assume position shown, pull the head to one side until a stretching is felt, and hold. Pull the head to the opposite side of the body until a stretch is felt, and hold.
2. From a back lying position, raise the knees and place the hands behind the head as shown. The head is then pulled forward until a stretch is felt, and hold.

3. Assume position shown. Tuck left hand in between thigh and calf to stabilize shoulder. Pull right shoulder until at retch is felt and hold.


1. Assume position as shown. Place the palms flat on the floor and grip something like a rug with the hands. Now pull the body forward with the hands while pushing the buttocks to the rear over the feet. When a stretch is felt, hold.
2. Bring the right hand over the head and reach down as far as possible. At the same time, reach around with the left hand, the palm facing out; bring the left hand up and grab the right hand with the fingers. You can use a towel if you have less flexibility.


1. Assume position. Place pressure on the wrists until a stretch is let, and hold. To gain greater flexibility, slowly raise the body s far as possible. Need good flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back.
2. From the position as shown, raise the knees off the floor and lift the body back until a stretch is felt, and hold.

By Dr Anaam