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Do you think that these are the best solutions ?



1. Assume the position shown by grabbing the left foot with the right hand. Pull left foot toward the left buttocks and hold. Repeat with the other foot.
2. From a standing position, grab the right leg at the foot with the right hand. Raise the leg until the stretch is felt, then hold. Repeat with the other leg.
3. Assume position, gently lower the upper portion of the body to the floor or until stretch is felt, and hold. Repeat with the other leg.


1. Assume position with the thigh pulled up to the chest as far as possible. Keep the thigh to the chest as the lower leg is straightened until a stretch is felt and hold.
2. Assume position shown and gently pull the right leg toward the head until stretch is felt and hold. The ankle is flexed which provides more stretch. As you pull the leg toward the body point the toes and move the hand up toward the ankle. Straighten the opposite leg and hold for a stretch. Repeat procedure with the opposite leg.
3. Assume position as shown, the left leg should be pulled under the right. Now grab under the right leg with the right hand just below the knee and raise the leg until stretch is felt and hold.


1. Assume position shown. Bend the right leg and lower the body. Keep the left leg straight while the body is being lowered and keep the feet flat on the floor throughout the exercise. Repeat with the other leg.
2. Assume the position shown. Be sure the right knee is even with toes of the left foot. Push the left knee forward with the chest until a stretch is felt, and hold.
To obtain more stretch, as you push the knee forward, let the heel come off the floor about an inch. As you push forward with the heel raised, begin to lower the heel to the floor until as retch is felt, and hold. Repeat on the other side.
By Dr Anaam